Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

Innere Medizin

The catalog contains 2526 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

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Short title
6788IB (Philosophical Society of Edinburgh): Die medicinischen Versuche und Bemerkungen 102,--  Order
41563HB Abdel-Salam, Capsaicin as a Therapeutic Molecule. 23,--  Order
7787AB Abeille, Traité des hydropisies et des kystes ou des collections séreuses et mix 85,--  Order
7789AB Abercrombie, Pathologische und praktische Untersuchungen über die Krankheiten de 94,--  Order
7790AB Abercrombie, Pathologische und praktische Untersuchungen über die Krankheiten de 72,--  Order
8094EB Abla, Histiocytic Disorders. 17,--  Order
13021DB About, BiodentineTM. 21,--  Order
143BB Abraham, Translational Vascular Medicine. 19,--  Order
4353FB Abrams, Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multidisciplinary Care. 17,--  Order
6473GB Abu-Arafeh, Headache in Children and Adolescents. 14,--  Order
Entries 1–10 of 2526
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catalog library collector Ekkehart Gast purchase collection