Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

MacVicar, The First Lines of Science Simplified, and the Structure of Molecules

MacVicar, The First Lines of Science Simplified, and the Structure of Molecules

MacVicar, John G.: The First Lines of Science Simplified, and the Structure of Molecules Attempted. Edinburgh, Sutherland and Knox, 1860. Mehrfach gefaltetes Holzschnitt-Frontispiz mit 26 schwarzgrundigen Diagrammen, zahlreiche schwarzgrundige Holzschnitt-Diagramme im Text, LXXX, VII, 120 S. Neuer Pappband.

Sehr seltene erste Ausgabe. – Cole 897; Dict. of Nat. Biogr. XII, 730; Hirsch/H. IV, 25. – „Using theological and philosophical arguments the author tries to develop a set of universal laws of nature. From his reasonings Macvicar concludes that hydrogen is not the basic element but is composed of five ‚aetherial elements‘ (centers of force in an elastic atmosphere which is calorific, electrical or luminiferous according to its mode of action). Using the ideas of attraction and symmetry the author develops fabtastic structural formulas for elements an inorganic and organic compounds. The derived structures explain the physical and chemical properties of the substances“ (Cole). – John Gibson MacVicar (1800-1884), studierte Chemie, Anatomie und Naturgeschichte in Edinburgh, „lecturer in natural history at St. Andrews 1827, pastor of the Scottish Church in Ceylon 1839-52, published scientific works“ (Cole). – Mit handschriftlicher Widmung des Verfassers auf weißem Blatt nach fliegendem Vorsatz. Einige wenige Bleistiftanstreichungen und Annotationen von alter Hand. Weißes Blatt und Frontispiz verso stockfleckig, sonst nur vereinzelt gering stockfleckig.

Unser Preis: EUR 290,-- 
