Antiquariat im Hufelandhaus GmbH vorm. Lange & Springer Hegelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin


The catalog contains 25 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

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Short title
29587AB Bogoescu, Ephemeroptera. 30,--  Order
8178IB Buxton, The Natural History of TseTse Flies. An Account of the Biology of the Ge 30,--  Order
26108AB Cornalia, L’eria o il bruco del ricino (Saturnia cynthia) ne’ suoi rapporti scie 90,--  Order
5316EB Daehne, Mitteilungen aus der Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Halle a. S.; Hefte 75,--  Order
29590AB Dinulescu, Diptera familia tabanidae. 20,--  Order
877CB Foerster, Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas, Band 1-3. 75,--  Order
8179IB Ford, The Role of the Trypanosomiases in African Ecology. A Study of the Tsetse 60,--  Order
4751JB Günther, Neue Calandriden (Coleoptera Curculionidae) von den Großen Sunda-Inseln 15,--  Order
26241AB Hase, Beiträge zu einer Biologie der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis de Geer = v 20,--  Order
36776AB Hofmann, Die Raupen der Gross-Schmetterlinge Europas. 75,--  Order
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