Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

Adams, A Treatise Describing and Explaining the Construction and Use of New Cele…

Adams, A Treatise Describing and Explaining the Construction and Use of New Cele

Adams, George: A Treatise Describing and Explaining the Construction and Use of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes. Designed to illustrate, in the most Easy and Natural Manner, the Phenomena of the Earth and Heavens, and to shew the Correspondence of the Two Spheres. With a great variety of astronomical and Geographical Problems occasionally interspersed. London, printed for and sold by the author, 1766. 3 Kupfertafeln, XXII, 242, 8 S. Lederband der Zeit mit Rückenschild, die Deckel mit vergoldeter umlaufender Filete (minimal berieben, Ecken und Kanten etwas bestoßen).

Sehr seltene erste Ausgabe. – Vgl. Poggendorff I, 10. – “In 1766 George Adams, mathematical instrument maker to King George III, published a treatise on the use of globes to accompany two new pairs of globes which he had made… Adams pronounced in his treatise that these globes were ‘of a construction new and peculiar, being contrived to solve the various phenomena on the earth and heavens, in a more easy and natural manner than any hitherto published’” (Barber, The Map Book 222). – George Adams Sr (-1773) was an English optician and scientific writer who was also well known as a maker of mathematical instruments and globes. Among his works are a ‘Treatise on the Construction and Use of Globes (1766) and an ‘Essay on the Microscope’ (1771). – Tafel 1 als Frontispiz eingebunden, Titel mit minimalem Abklatsch. Fliegender Vorsatz mit Besitzvermerk.

Our Price: EUR 770,-- 
